Beginner-friendly options

Best Disc Golf Discs for Beginners

Choosing disc golf discs


After playing disc golf for several years, I’ve come to think that the average player doesn’t need that many discs. However, determining the number of discs you need for disc golf depends on various factors such as your playing style, skill level, and the courses you plan to play. In this article, we’ll explore the essential types of discs for disc golf and provide recommendations for beginners looking to build their disc collection. The focus keyword phrase for this article is best disc golf discs for beginners.

Factors to Consider for Disc Selection

When determining how many discs you need for disc golf, it’s important to consider the following factors:

Disc Golf Skill Level

If you’re a beginner, it’s recommended to start with a small number of discs. This allows you to focus on mastering the basics and developing your throwing technique. As you progress and gain experience, you can gradually add more discs to your collection. A good starting point for beginners is three discs: a putter, midrange, and fairway driver.

Frisbee Golf Playing Style

Your throwing style also influences the type and number of discs you need. Some players prefer to rely on a limited number of discs, mastering their disc golf throws with each one. Others prefer to carry a wider selection of discs to handle various shot types and distances. If you’re a “bomber” who throws the disc farther than the average person, you’ll probably have more high-speed discs in your bag.

Disc Golf Course Layout

The disc golf course layout can impact the number of discs you should carry. If the course features a wide range of distances, tight fairways, wide-open shots, and various shot shapes, having a diverse set of discs and knowing how they fly becomes crucial. Professional disc golfers often carry many discs to tackle the challenges presented by different course layouts.

Essential Types of Discs for Disc Golf

Disc golf requires four different types of discs: putters, midranges, fairway drivers, and distance drivers. Let’s explore each type in more detail.

Disc Golf Putters

The putter is the most crucial disc in your bag. It is designed for short-distance throws and putting into the basket. Putters allow for accurate shots near the target. If you only buy one disc, it’s recommended to start with a putter. While you won’t be able to throw it as far, your throws will consistently be more accurate, and a putter will reveal any form mistakes. Here are some recommended putters for beginners:

  • Innova Aviar
  • Dynamic Discs Judge
  • Discraft Luna

Midranges for Disc Golf

Midrange discs are versatile and useful for a variety of shots. They are designed for throws that require more distance than a putter but less than a driver. Midrange discs offer control and precision, making them ideal for approaches and shorter drives. All beginners should have a straight-flying midrange in their bag. Here are some recommended midranges:

  • Discraft Buzzz
  • Innova Roc
  • Latitude 64 Compass

Frisbee Golf Fairway Drivers

Fairway or control drivers are excellent for shots that require a bit more distance than midrange discs. They offer a balance of control and speed, making them suitable for straight shots and shots with slight curves. Beginners should use fairway drivers until they’ve improved their form enough to handle high-speed distance drivers. Here are some recommended fairway drivers:

  • Innova Teebird
  • Dynamic Discs Escape
  • Discmania FD

Distance Drivers for Frolf

Distance drivers are designed for maximum distance throws. They have a high-speed, aerodynamic design that allows them to be launched into the stratosphere. These discs are ideal for advanced players who have developed a strong throwing technique and want to maximize their distance. Beginners should focus on mastering their form before moving on to distance drivers. Here are some recommended distance drivers:

  • Innova Destroyer
  • Discraft Nuke
  • Dynamic Discs Sheriff

Choosing the Right Discs for Your Game

Choosing the right discs for disc golf is essential for improving your performance on the course. Here are some tips to help you select the discs that fit your playing style and skill level:

  1. Experiment and Try Different Discs: Disc golf discs come in various molds, plastics, and weights. It’s important to experiment with different discs to find the ones that feel comfortable in your hand and fly how you want them to for your throwing technique.
  2. Seek Expert Advice: If you need help deciding which discs to choose, seek advice from experienced disc golfers or professionals. They can provide valuable insights and recommend discs based on your skill level and playing style.
  3. Consider Disc Stability: Disc stability refers to the disc’s tendency to fly on a specific path. Stability ranges from understable (turns to the right for right-handed throwers) to overstable (turns to the left for right-handed throwers). Beginners often find straight-flying or slightly understable discs much easier to control.
  4. Start with a Well-Rounded Set: Beginners should start with a putter, midrange, and a couple of fairway drivers. This will give you a good foundation for various shot types without breaking the bank. As you progress and develop your skills, you can expand your bag to include more specialized discs for specific shots and add distance drivers to your collection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, we’ve compiled answers to some commonly asked questions regarding disc selection for disc golf:

Q: Can I use regular frisbees for disc golf?

A: Yes, you can use regular frisbees for disc golf if you’re playing for fun. However, regular frisbees are not designed for disc golf and may not perform well. They are also not permitted in competitive tournaments.

Q: How many discs should I carry in my bag?

A: The number of discs you carry in your bag depends on your preferences and playing style. Beginners can start with 3-5 discs, while more experienced players may carry 20 or more discs.

Q: Do I need different discs for forehand and backhand throws?

A: No, you do not need different discs for forehand and backhand throws. While it’s unnecessary, some players prefer using different discs for each type of throw to optimize their shots based on flight characteristics and throwing style.

Q: How often should I replace my discs?

A: You should replace your discs as needed. The lifespan of a disc depends on factors such as the quality of plastic, frequency of use, and impact with objects. Generally, discs last for years with proper care, but it’s recommended to replace them when they become damaged beyond repair or lose their flight characteristics.

Q: Can I borrow discs from other players?

A: Yes, you can borrow discs from other players. Borrowing discs is common, especially if you’re trying out a new disc or experimenting with different molds. Just make sure to return them after use and show proper respect for other players’ equipment.

Q: How can I keep my discs in good condition?

A: To keep your discs in good condition, avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight for extended periods. Additionally, avoid hitting hard objects or abrasive surfaces like gravel and pavement to prevent damage to the disc’s flight characteristics.


Now that you have a better understanding of the types of discs needed for disc golf, you can begin building your disc collection. Remember, the number of discs you need depends on your playing style, skill level, and course layout. Experiment with different discs, seek expert advice, and focus on improving your form. With the right discs in your bag, you’ll be ready to take on any disc golf course with confidence!